quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008

1º Torneio Quadrangular 08/09

Como se sabe, os clubes CFB, ABVE, CL e SLB organizam anualmente um Torneio Quadrangular com 4 etapas, sendo cada um dos clubes responsável por uma delas. Trata-se de competições muito interessantes, sem a pressão das competições oficiais, mas que permitem juntar numa mesma prova todos os escalões etários. Estarão em competição os escalões infantis, juvenis, juniores e seniores, havendo ainda provas extra para cadetes e masters.

Na época passada o CL não concretizou a sua organização, pelo que nesta época teremos 5 etapas do Torneio. A 1ª será precisamente a que falhou em 2007/08, da responsabilidade do CL e terá lugar já a 23 de Novembro, domingo, pelas 10h00 da manhã, nas piscinas do SLB.

O Regulamento da prova já está disponível e para o consultar, click no link seguinte:

Regulamento 1º Torneio Quadrangular 08/09

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Media RoomMultimediaPublications

AntidopingWADA 2009 Prohibited List Now Published
Monday, 29 September 2008
The World Anti-Doping Agency has published the 2009 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods. This List will go into effect on January 1, 2009.

To see the 2009 List, the 2009 Monitoring Program, a summary of modifications, and a Q&A, click here .

Provisional Suspension - Diogo Santos Serra (POR)
Thursday, 04 September 2008
The Portuguese Swimming Federation Federation has provisionally suspended Mr. Diogo Santos Serra following a positive result to the substance Cocaine (Class S.6 Stimulants) with the occasion of of the Taça Portugal Masculinos on 5 July 2008.

FINA Doping Panel Decision - Rebecca Gusmao (BRA)
Wednesday, 03 September 2008
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Ms. Rebecca Gusmao (BRA) shall be ineligible for lifetime for tampering.

All results achieved by the athlete since 18 July 2007 shall be annulled together with the consequence thereof (hand-back of medals / prizes, reimbursement of prize-money).

FINA Doping Panel Decision

FINA Doping Panel Decision - In Sung Hong (PRK)
Friday, 15 August 2008
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Ms. In Sung Hong (PRK) shall be ineligible for two (2) years after a positive doping control results with the occasion of the FINA Diving World Series in Nan Jing (China) on 1st June 2008 for the substances Furosemide (Class S.5 Diuretics).

The period of the Provisional Suspension imposed on Ms. In Sun Hong is to be credited against the total period of ineligibility to be served. Therefore the period of two (2) years’ ineligibility to be served shall start on 3rd July 2008.

FINA Doping Panel Decision - Keri-Leigh Shaw (RSA)
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Ms. Keri-Leigh Shaw (RSA) shall be ineligible for two (2) years after a positive doping control results with the occasion of the FINA Swimming World Cup in Belo Horizonte (Brazil) on 25 November 2007 for the substances Clenbuterol (Class S.1.2 Other Anabolic Agents) and Ephedrine (Class S.6 Stimulants).

The suspension is commencing from 1st April 2008. According to FINA Rule DC 10.7 all competitive results obtained by the swimmer Keri-Leigh Shaw from the date, on which the positive sample was collected (25 November 2007) through the commencement of the Provisional Suspension (1st April 2008) shall be disqualified with all of the resulting consequences including forfeiture of any medals, points and prizes.

FINA Doping Panel Decision - Edda de Gregorio (ITA)
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Ms. Edda de Gregorio (ITA) shall be given a Warning and a Reprimand after a positive doping control result for the substance Betamethasone (Class S.9 glucocorticosteroids). The doping control test was conducted on 15 July 2007 with the occasion of the 2nd Marathon Anzio-Nettuno in Italy.

Doping Offence - Aleksandra Majda (POL)
Monday, 14 July 2008
On 25 January 2008, the swimmer Aleksandra Majda (Poland) was tested positive to the substance Ephedrine (Class S.6 Stimulants) following a doping control test conducted with the occasion the Polish Swimming Championships in Ciechanow, Poland.

The Polish Swimming Federation imposed a sanction of six (6) weeks’ suspension on the competitor and the cancellation of all the results obtained during the competition, including forfeiture of medals and prizes.

Doping Offence - Kunpeng Ouyang (CHN)
Wednesday, 09 July 2008
On 1st May 2008, the swimmer Kunpeng Ouyang (CHN) was tested positive to the substance Clenbuterol (Class S.1.2 Other Anabolic Agents).
The Chinese Swimming Association imposed a lifetime period of ineligibility on the swimmer Kunpeng Ouyang starting from 20 May 2008.

In addition, his coach Feng Shangbao also received a lifetime period of ineligibility.

FINA Doping Panel Decision - Andrew Bree (IRL)
Monday, 02 June 2008
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Mr. Andrew Bree (IRL) shall be given a Warning and a Reprimand after a positive doping control result for the substance Levmethamfetamine (Class S.6 Stimulants). The doping control test was conducted on 16 December 2007 with the occasion of the European Short Course Swimming Championships, held in Debrecen (HUN).

FINA Doping Panel Decision - Obaid Saleh Al Jesmi (UAE)
Monday, 28 April 2008
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Mr. Obaid Ahmed Obaid Saleh Al Jesmi (UAE) shall be given a Warning and a Reprimand after a positive doping control result for the substance Ephedrine (Class S.6 Stimulants). The doping control test was conducted with the occasion of the Pan Arab Games held in Egypt on 17 November 2007.

Suspension lifted - Marko Strahija (CRO)
Friday, 29 February 2008
On 8 November 2007, with the occasion of a FINA out-of competition test, Mr. Marko Strahija was found positive to the substance hCG (Class S.2 Hormones).

In the light of the clinical documentation submitted by Mr. Strahija, the FINA Executive, upon the recommendation of the FINA DCRB, has decided that there is no sufficient basis to proceed further with the case of Mr. Marko Strahija as per FINA Rule DC 7.1.11.

Consequently, the provisional suspension imposed on Marko Strahija on 12 December 2007 is lifted and Mr. Strahija can resume competing immediately.

FINA Doping Panel Decision - Asmma Kataria (EGY)
Tuesday, 06 November 2007
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Ms. Asmaa Kataria (EGY) shall be ineligible for two (2) years after a positive doping control result for the substance Ephedrine (Class S.6 Stimulants). The doping control test was conducted with the occasion of the 9th All African Games held in Algiers (ALG) on 18th July 2007.

Provisional Suspension - Laura La Piana (ITA)
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
The Disciplinary Commission of the Italian Swimming Federation has provisionally suspended Ms. Laura La Pania following a positive result to the substance Octopamine (Class S.6 Stimulants) with the occasion of a doping control test conducted on 28 July 2007 at the 25 Km Italian Championships in Anguillara (ITA).

FINA Doping Panel Decision - Mehdi Sebou (MAR)
Thursday, 26 July 2007
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Mr. Mehdi Sebou (MAR) shall be ineligible for two (2) years after a positive doping control result for the substance nandrolone (Class S.1.1 Anabolic Agents). The doping control test was conducted with the occasion of the 1st FINA Men Water Polo Development Trophy held in Kuwait City (KUW).

FINA Doping Panel decision - Anatoliy Poliakov (RUS)
Sunday, 24 June 2007
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Mr. Anatoliy Poliakov (RUS) shall be ineligible for two (2) years after a positive doping control result for the substance Boldenone (Class S.1.1 Anabolic Agents). The doping control test was conducted as part of the FINA unannounced out-of-competition testing programme on 23 January 2007.

FINA Doping Panel Decision - Anastasia Ivanenko (RUS)
Wednesday, 09 May 2007
The FINA Doping Panel has decided that Ms. Anastasiya Ivanenko (RUS) shall be ineligible for two (2) years after a positive doping control result for the substance Furosemide (Class S.5 Diuretic and Other Masking Agents). The doping control test was conducted as part of the FINA unannounced out-of-competition testing programme on 23 January 2007.

Doping Offence - Sabri Jari (TUN)
Wednesday, 09 May 2007
During the Tunisian Swimming Championships (25m), the swimmer Sabri Jari (TUN) refused to submit to sample collection on 11 February 2007. The Federal Commission of the Fédération Tunisienne de Natation imposed a sanction of two (2) years'suspension on the swimmer.

Doping Offence - Renata de Oliveira Burgos (BRA)
Monday, 19 March 2007
On 14 December 2006, the swimmer Renata de Oliveira Burgos (BRA) was tested positive to the substance Stanozolol (Class S1. Anabolic Agents) following a doping control test conducted with the occasion of the Open CBDA Correios de Nataçao.

The Brazilian Swimming Confederation imposed a sanction of two (2) years’ suspension on the competitor from 14 December 2006.
FINA Doping Panel Decision - José Guerra Oliva (CUB)
Thursday, 22 February 2007
The FINA Doping Panel decided, after a recent hearing to dismiss the case of the Cuban diver José Guerra Oliva, provisionally suspended by FINA since 22 September 2006.

According to the FINA Doping Panel, the sanction was lifted “as the persons who conducted the analysis of the ‘B’ sample were also involved in the analysis of the ‘A’ sample”. Still according to the Panel, “this was a violation of the International Standards for Laboratories and such a departure from the International Standard is serious enough to cause the acquittal of the athlete”.

Therefore the diver Jose Guerra Oliva can now participate in international competitions.

FINA Doping Panel Decision

Anónimo disse...

Ephedrine tb não são dois anos?
Pq que é para uns e para outros é apenas 6 semanas ou um simples aviso?

Muito fraude e falta de homogeneidade nas decisões...

Anónimo disse...

N me parece meu caro anónimo.

Anónimo disse...

ñ parece ?
então voçe é cego ou nao sabe ler

Anónimo disse...

ve-ja este blog onde vi esta noticia vinda do nosso belo pais

Anónimo disse...

já li e sim é realmente estranho mas quem não quer ser castigado não toma substâncias desse tipo.

Anónimo disse...

Quando os patrocínios são maiores as sanções são menores. Pura matemática

Anónimo disse...

o dinheiro compra muita coisa